
   Project name: Extended Martin-Taylor map
        Author : Michele Mugnaine  
           Date: 17/July/2023

Contact: mmugnaine@gmail.com


Code and data repository accompanying the publication "A nontwist field line mapping in a tokamak with ergodic magnetic limiter" .

Both data and codes are available in the file "codes.zip".


Figure 1

To obtain all the data used in Figure 1, run: $ gfortran Parameters.f90 Fig1.f90; ./a.out .

Figure 2

To obtain the data used in Figure 2 (a), run: $ gfortran Parameters2.f90 Fig2a.f90; ./a.out .

To obtain the data used in Figure 2 (b), run: $ gfortran Parameters2.f90 Fig2b.f90; ./a.out .

Figure 3

To obtain the data used in Figure 3 (a), run: $ gfortran Parameters3.f90 Fig3a.f90; ./a.out .

To obtain the data used in Figure 3 (b), run: $ gfortran Parameters3.f90 Fig3b.f90; ./a.out .

Figure 4

To obtain all the data used in Figure 4, run: $ gfortran Fig4.f90; ./a.out .

Figure 5

Data were generated by constructing the phase spaces for the Original Martin-Taylor map (Figure 2 a) and calculating the half-width of the largest island. The results are in the files:

The pendulum approximation data for each value of m are in the files:

Figure 6

Data were generated by constructing the phase spaces for the Extended Martin-Taylor map (Figure 2 b) and calculating the half-width of the largest upper and lower island, for m =3. The results are in the files: The pendulum approximation data are in the files To obtain all the data used in Figure 6 (b) and 6 (c), run: $ gfortran Fig6.f90; ./a.out .

Figure 7

Figure 8

To obtain the data used in Figure 8 (a), run: $ gfortran Fig8a.f90; ./a.out .

To obtain the data used in Figure 8 (b) and 8 (c), run: $ gfortran Fig8b_c.f90; ./a.out .

To obtain the data used in Figure 8 (d), run: $ gfortran Fig8d.f90; ./a.out .

To obtain the data used in Figure 8 (e) and 8 (f), run: $ gfortran Fig8e_f.f90; ./a.out .